Friday, February 10, 2012

How to stop my hair loss?

Okay, A week or so ago, i asked if i should be worried about my hair falling out. Most responces told me i shouldnt be worried.

Well, Its gotten pretty bad. Im not just losing a hair here or there. Im acctually afriad to brush my hair because of how much hair is acctually on the brush when im done.

What are some things i can do to help prevent this from getting any worse? At the rate things are going, in about a months time, I wont have much left.How to stop my hair loss?
Here is a good article about hair loss:

I hope this helps you

JoeHow to stop my hair loss?
you need to go to the Dr' and have your thyroid levels tested. If that all comes back normal and ur dr doesn't have an explanation for it, Nioxin makes a nice system of hair care products that is for thinning or balding hair also tea tree oil or hair products. I am a hairdresser and any beauty salon will carry these products. Hope this helps!
you should go to a dermatologist, so he can check you or your primary doctor. maybe its stress

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