Sunday, February 12, 2012

How to stop hair loss?

Hi, I've read through most of these questions but nothing seems like my type of situation. I'm a 18 year old female and I've been loosing hair for the past few months. I didn't have really thick hair but it was decent, it was always falling out in the shower and stuff but nothing serious. Then I became a vegetarian but, i must be honest, I didn't watch my diet a lot. I ate a lot of dairy products but I probably wasn't replacing my protein needs as I should have. It lastest for a year and now I'm back to eating meat cuz I got scared and my mom did too. Every time a run my hand thru my hair I pull out 3-4 hairs not to mention the shower and combing. I don't see any bold spots yet, but it's about a quarter of what it used to be and people started to notice too. I'm guessing it was because of vegeterianism and cuz I'm in more stress than before. But how can I stop stress? I just have to go with it, you know what I mean? And I started taking calcium, magnesium and zinc but I don't see any results yet. I realize it has to take a while but what can i do to stop it right now?How to stop hair loss?
I have found some good tips in following link, It may be good for you too to stop hair loss?
Here a few simple home remedies which can be tried at home to control hair fall.

1.Rinse your hair with a mix of apple cider vinegar and sage tea this helps hair grow..

2. A medicine rich in sulfur is also recommended as sulfur plays an important part in the structure of the hair.

3. Massage with olive oil before going to bed at night and next morning, wash off the hair gently..

4. To treat hair loss apply a little lemon juice with some black tea.Massage well and shampoo.

5. Beat two eggs,and add two tablespoons of water to it. Rinse hair and pour the egg mixture over the hair.Massage the scalp well and leave for 10 minutes.Then wash it.

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