Wednesday, December 28, 2011

What are the first symptoms of Male Pattern Hair Loss?

Is they any stand out symptoms like oily scalp, or something?What are the first symptoms of Male Pattern Hair Loss?
The typical pattern of male baldness begins at the hairline. The hairline gradually recedes to form an ';M'; shape. The existing hair may become finer and shorter. The hair at the crown also begins to thin. Eventually the top of the hairline meets the thinned crown, leaving a horseshoe pattern of hair around the sides of the head.

Hair loss in patches, diffuse shedding of hair, breaking of hair shafts, or hair loss associated with redness, scaling, pain, or rapid progression could be caused by other conditions......jWhat are the first symptoms of Male Pattern Hair Loss?
Here are some sure signs of Male Pattern Baldness...

Male Pattern baldness refers to the way in which a man loses hair in a certain pattern when they have genetic hair loss. This balding occurs in patches and may eventually cause complete hair loss. The pattern the balding takes only occurs in men.

This balding may occur as early as the age 25 and always began by the time the man is 30. It is likely that a man with genetic hair loss will be completely bald by the age 60. This can seem devastating to a man but there are treatments available to prevent further balding.

Male Pattern Baldness begins with the receding and thinning of the hair line. This usually begins between the ages of 25 and 30. The thinning hair line is often ignored but should be taken much more seriously, as it is the first sign of male pattern baldness. By recognizing this first signs, a man may be able to receive treatment before the hair loss becomes too obvious.

Next, small patches of hair will begin to thin around the crown of the scalp. At this point the hair loss is becoming obvious and treatment should be considered a necessity if one wishes to keep their hair. Unfortunately, if ignored, the balding will get only continue to worsen.

These patches will continue to develop until the entire crown of the head is bald, leaving hair around only the edges. At this point it is too late for most treatments though hair restoration surgery or plugs may still be an option (if one has the money to replace all the hair that been lost).

Men with this type of baldness will try treatment of all forms. After all, the first stages of male pattern baldness happen to young men! Who doesn鈥檛 want to keep their hair? Because the baldness from male pattern balding is permanent, a long term solution is most viable.

Get the facts! If a young man recognizes the early signs of male pattern baldness, he can receive proper treatment before high hair loss becomes too noticeable. Men should talk with family doctors for advice.

I hope I've answered your question...
i suffer from severe male pattern hair loss and these are the symptoms i got :

large nose

grey skin

hollow baggy eyes


shrinking pinky finger

excess hair growth

i also have reason to believe that it is caused by these things :

poor hygiene (for example if you stay in a bin)

malnutrition (for example if you live on muffins)

ownage of a honda jazz

bouncing too high on your spcae shoes
hair falling out.

there are different types of male pattern hair loss, some men like the bird next some like the airplane runway. but for all hair start falling out.

now a sign is to look at one's uncles (both sides), grandfathers; see how their hair if any patterned.
it,s when you lose your hair and none of it comes back in. then after awhile you will start to have bald spots. like me , i,am bald but i don,t let it worry me any.i pay more attention what,s going on inside my body then the outside.
You start noticing more hair in the shower drain. There's nothing you can do to prevent it.

Good luck!
DHT in your blood is a marker for male pattern baldness.
Shiny scalp.
Your hair falling out
Your hair starts to fall out...
your balls drop

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