Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Are bad breath , body odor , oily skin , and sudden hair loss symptoms of anything serious?

I have never had a problem with any of this before. All of these symptoms started suddenly and all at the same time. 35 male ';sorry for my poor spelling of odor the first time';Are bad breath , body odor , oily skin , and sudden hair loss symptoms of anything serious?
Sudden, atypical hair loss can be a sign of many different medical problems -- from nutritional deficiencies to a tumor on the pituitary gland in the brain. If it is slow, gradual hair loss, then that is just male-pattern baldness. The list of possibilities is long.

If you've never had oily skin before but have it now, that it's also odd. You might need to see an endocrinologist as these indicate some type or hormonal imbalances, which could have any range of causes. You can start with a general practitioner / primary care physician, but be sure to get a thorough evaluation. Are bad breath , body odor , oily skin , and sudden hair loss symptoms of anything serious?
You are a bit young, but investigate Parkinson's Disease.

For example: (Parkinson's) Other symptoms may include speaking too softly and in a monotone, writing that gets shaky and smaller across the page, and sometimes trouble swallowing. Constipation is a common problem for people with Parkinson鈥檚 disease. Symptoms may also include oily skin, sweating, and changes in blood pressure. Memory loss and other problems with thinking may also be present.

Here is the full list.鈥?/a>

I hope that you don't have this.
Sounds like some kind of intestinal cancer perhaps...

If it's progressed, the odor is because your feces and/or urine is leaking a little bit into your blood stream, and the other symptoms are from your own waste slowly poisoning you from the leakage...
Seems like your Sebaceous glands are overworking:

This can be either because u're on an improper diet (eating too much fat. sources might be cheddar cheese for instance). Either u have abnormal hormonal imbalance (get a blood test, consult an endocrinologist)... or you're on steroids (anabolic steroids)

So what i'd advise u to consult an endocrinologist and a dermatologist @ once!

Get well soon
USUALLY all these symptoms are a clear indication that you are rotting away.

Sure you are not dead yet?

its symptoms that now you are getting older, just take more vitimin in ur meal

consult for free suggestion

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